Timothy Burroughs receives Random Kindness Community Resilience Leadership Award 2/11/15

The Random Kindness Community Resilience Award recognizes leaders who embody the vision and values of community-driven planning for climate change adaptation and resilience. We honor those who:

  • Strive to ensure that frontline communities, those who are most directly impacted by climate change processes, are engaged in public policy and participatory planning
  • Conduct research in partnership with vulnerable communities and listen deeply to embedded community knowledge
  • Build bridges across sectors, issues, and social divides to create a true movement for sustainability and justice
  • Demonstrate that equity, environment and economy are mutually reinforcing in an interconnected world.

This award grows from the 20th Anniversary of Random Kindness and Senseless Acts of Beauty, celebrating our ability to reach beyond our individual selves and recognize our fundamental interdependence. Our first recipient is Timothy Burroughs, Chief Resilience Officer for the city of Berkeley. As a part of Rockefeller’s 100 Resilient Cities program, Burroughs is collaborating with community leaders across the Bay Area to make improvements in community resilience on local and regional levels. For more information on the project, visit its website:  

“Ubuntu is the philosophy and belief that our humanity is inextricably bound up in one another, and any tear in the fabric of connection must be repaired for us all to be made whole. This interconnectedness is the very root of who we are.”

-Desmond Tutu, Foreword to 20th Anniversary edition of Random Kindness and Senseless Acts of Beauty

“The steps we take now
Make new earth grow beneath our feet.
The steps we take now
decide what kind of
earth that will be.”

From Random Kindness and Senseless Acts of Beauty by Anne Herbert and Paloma Pavel.

This message is now more urgent than ever. In an age of climate crisis, this work is a call to community action to create the world we want, a world based on principles of sustainability with justice—including not only a call for collective visioning and power but also for beauty, imagination and creativity in the world we want to restore and grow.

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